What Can You Drink Tequila Rose With? (Ultimate Guide)

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When it comes to alcohol, there’s so many options out there that you can choose from.

However, if you’re not a fan of beer or wine, you might turn your attention to something different. 

What Can You Drink Tequila Rose With? (Ultimate Guide)

Tequila Rose is a unique style of drink that essentially acts like an adult milkshake with a mixture of cream, sugar, tequila and other flavorings. 

Of course though, due to its unique nature, you might be wondering what exactly you can mix it with to make a really compelling beverage. Luckily, we’ve done all the hard work for you. 

We’ve written this really helpful guide of what you can drink Tequila Rose with and what you need to remember.

So, if you’re ready to discover more – then read on and get all of your questions answered!

1. Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Pink Russian 

You may already be familiar with a white Russian, but what about a Pink Russian made using Tequila Rose?

While the premise is pretty much the same, the choice of alcohol and the ingredients differs from its white counterpart.

You’re going to need the following ingredients before you start:

  • 1 ounce of kahlua 
  • 1 ounce of vodka
  • 1 ounce of strawberry cream Tequila Rose 
  • Ice 
  • Strawberries 

It’s pretty easy to make this drink. All you need to do is fill the glass with ice and then add all of your drinks together.

Mix them all together and finish it off by garnishing the glass with sliced strawberries. 

You can actually make a caffeine infused twist from this recipe too.

All you need to do here is add three quarter ounces of freshly brewed espresso coffee and three quarter ounces of java cream Tequila Rose instead of the strawberry version.

Instead of using strawberries for garnish, use fresh coffee beans instead and you’re all good to go!

2. Strawberry Tequila Rose Dessert Margarita

If you’re looking for a drink that looks really pretty and tastes amazing, then this is the twist you need to put on your Tequila Rose cocktail.

To make this drink, first get yourself a cocktail glass with a bowl top (a Margarita glass). 

Next, ensure you have the following ingredients:

  • Two ounces of strawberry puree 
  • A half ounce of simple syrup 
  • A half ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice 
  • Two ounces of Tequila Rose (Strawberry Cream) 
  • Half a cup worth of crushed ice 
  • Sliced strawberries

It’s another drink that you can make that’s really easy to follow, but you’ll need a blender or cocktail maker.

Simply add all of your ingredients into your blender and blend them until the texture has become smooth. 

From there, all you have to do is pour the drink slowly and add any garnish you may want to, but be sure you’re adding sliced strawberries over the top of the glass!

3. Tequila Rose Cocoa Cream Grasshopper 

This is a drink for those of you who enjoy chocolate and mints together, but also want to get a little buzz too.

With all the creamy ingredients and the inclusion of creme de menthe, you’re really going to enjoy this for its texture, taste and aroma. 

Before you get going with the creation of this beautiful drink, you’re going to need to find yourself the following ingredients:

  • One ounce of creme de menthe 
  • Two ounces of Tequila Rose (Cocoa Cream)
  • Ice 
  • Chocolate shavings 

Simply follow the usual method by adding all of these ingredients into a blender, but this time – you’re going to use the chocolate shavings separately.

You’ll add these right over the top of the drink and also as a glass garnish! 

4. Java Milkshake 

Sticking with a chocolatey and creamy recipe, why not enjoy something that looks like a powerful chocolate landslide!

This drink includes kahlua, java cream and cocoa cream Tequila Rose – but its best quality is in the extra addition. 

Yes, you’re going to add 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream. Not only does this add to the creamy texture, but it provides a whole new lease of life to the drink, allowing for the other aromas to burst through! 

Once you have mixed all of your ingredients, including:

  • One ounce java cream Tequila Rose 
  • One ounce cocoa cream Tequila Rose 
  • 1 ounce kahlua 
  • 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream

You will then blend them all together and pour them into a milkshake glass. Finalize this drink by adding chocolate shavings, chocolate syrup and whipped cream right over the top and on the glass. 

5. The Strawberry Shot

If you’re looking for something a little different to mix with your Tequila Rose, you can make a fun drink for parties with the strawberry shot. It does pretty much as the name suggests! 

All you need is one large strawberry, and be sure you cut the head off. Leave the strawberry on the size and mix half a cup of Tequila Rose with a cup of melted chocolate. 

Once you have blended these together, pour a bit of the mixture into a shot glass and add the strawberry.

There’s nothing super special here, you will simply drink your shot as normal, but once you have – mop the area clean with your large strawberry! 

Not only do you get a beautifully fruity drink, but you also have something to snack on once you’re done. That’s pretty cool, right? 

Will Tequila Rose Get Me Drunk?

It certainly can do. Tequila Rose is 15% ABV (alcohol by volume) and this is halfway between a normal strength beer and something like vodka.

As a result, you may need to drink a little more than you would for other cocktails – but it can get you drunk! 

Tequila Rose therefore is one of the most ideal drinks to use.

This is because a large number of people will enjoy, not only the taste and texture, but also the fact that it isn’t as strong as other spirits. 

Where Can I Get Tequila Rose?

You can pick up a bottle of Tequila Rose in pretty much all stores that sell alcohol, or you can find it online.

Be aware though that there are plenty of different types of Tequila Rose on the market, so if you’re looking for something specific – be sure you know what it’s called! 

Can You Drink Tequila Rose Neat?

Yes, absolutely. It’s a relatively mild drink due to its creamy texture – so it’s fine for drinking it as a shot or just as it comes. 

Is There Tequila In Tequila Rose?

Yes, but the amount of Tequila it contains will depend on the bottle, the flavor and the size of the bottle.

In fact, the original Tequila Rose was created using agave, which is the key ingredient in the creation of real Tequila. 

Final Thoughts 

Tequila Rose is a relatively versatile drink, but due to its creamy and sweet texture and taste, it’s best mixed with other drinks and ingredients that work with it – like a dessert style drink, or something very fruity. 

We hope this guide has helped!